Sunday, 9 September 2012


I was on a film set yesterday, in a big room, in Waterloo Station, lots of people. We were waiting and drinking coffee and talking. Lots of people I had not seen for years. So I took out my ipod and did a couple of sketches.
Not enough, though, I was thinking, nowhere near how hard somebody like Hockney works. And we were talking about success, what makes success. I felt that I didn't care about that, ultimately, that it's all in the process. It's all in the dedication, but also in letting things flow and happen. Then somebody questioned as to whether I do let things happen, because I wasn't sure about reading my poetry at an event this month. I didn't know how I felt about real, solid, three-dimensional people. This indecision made me suffer. Being in a room with two hundred people made me suffer, and yet it was elating. Very strange. I woke up this morning and decided to read my poetry at the event in October. Not only that, but I am also going to publish a new book, and be out there, with real people, and here too with cyber people. Let it flow. Live for the moment, see where it all goes, sit in my little boat lulled and pushed downstream by the great river.

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